Brookfield Planning Board
The Planning Board is a 5-member, elected, municipal board that is responsible for applying state and local laws to issues of land use and development. The main laws under which the Board operates are the Brookfield Zoning Bylaw, the Brookfield Subdivision Rules and Regulations, and Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and Chapter 41, §81K-81GG. The Board also makes recommendations for new bylaws for the town. The Board works to balance the public good with private rights and interests so as to minimize conflicts and costs, protect clean water and air, encourage local economic development, protect housing values, ensure adequate recreational and open space, and protect natural resources. The Board strives to do this in a thorough and expeditious manner, with common sense, fairness and objectivity.
Statutory responsibilities include:
-reviewing and approving subdivision and land development plans;
-reviewing and approving Approval-Not-Required (ANR) plans—these are simple land divisions that do not involve large developments or roadways;
-reviewing and approving special permit and site plan applications;
-keeping the town’s zoning bylaws up to date, including holding public hearings on proposed zoning amendments;
-conducting on-site plan reviews;
-conducting public hearings on special permit and subdivision applications;
-working with other town boards; and
-assisting in implementing Brookfield’s Master Plan.
The Board works closely with the Conservation Commission, Town Clerk, Building Inspector, Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Enforcement Officer, the Master Plan Implementation Committee, and the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission.