Community Organizations

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Brookfield Sacred Fire Hamlet provides a forum for discussion, support, and social contact.
Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church
The mission of the BUUC is to support and promote the principles of Unitarian Universalism. By nurturing spirituality, intellectual growth, diversity of belief, and our ties to one another, we seek to inspire lives of passion, compassion and community.
The goal of the CCL is to lobby members of the Massachusetts legislature and U.S. Congress to enact a carbon tax, revenue neutral, at national and state levels.
The Council on Aging works to support the health and well-being of Brookfield seniors.
Friends of the Brookfield Town Hall
The Friends of the Brookfield Town Hall seek to raise money and support for the renovation of the Brookfield Town Hall.
The Friends of the Merrick Public Library support quality library services in the community by advocating for library resources and needs, promoting a public commitment to literacy and engagement with library programs, and supplementing town, state, and trustee funding.
Girl Scouts of Central and Western MA – Troop 64526
Girl choose the exciting, hands-on activities that interest them most—a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects.
Quaboag Historical Society
The Quaboag Historical Society works to educate the public about the history of the Quaboag Plantation area, preserve documents and artifacts, present events concerning local history, and recognize those who have made significant contributions to the Society’s mission.
Quaboag Quacumquasit Lakes Association
The QQLA works to enhance and protect the environment of Brookfield’s two major lakes: Quaboag (North Pond) and Quacumquasit (South Pond).
Supporting Orphans and Children (SONG)
Supporting Orphans and Children (SONG) raises funds to raise awareness about the plight of orphaned children globally and in the U.S,. and provides support to orphaned children including those in South Central Siberia, Russia.