Town Boards

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The Brookfield Assessors office sets valuations of all property in town, sets the tax rate, visits properties as required, maintains the auto excise program and updates tax maps as needed.
The Board of Health manages and oversees the transfer station, responds to noise, trash, health issues, abandoned buildings, septic issues and other.
The Merrick Public Library Board of Library Trustees, has the legal responsibility for the provision of library services, custody of library property, appointment of the library director, expenditure of funds, and determination of library policy to ensure that library services effectively meet community needs.
The Town of Brookfield is managed by a three-member Board of Selectmen elected by the voters.
The Cemetery Commissioners preserve, care for, and maintain the historic Brookfield Cemetery, issue burial permits, adopt regulations relative to the Cemetery, and seek funds for historic preservation of the Cemetery stones, arches and other elements.
The Planning Board is a 5-member, elected, municipal board that is responsible for applying state and local laws to issues of land use and development.
The Commissioners of the Brookfield Water Department manage the water district located in the center of Brookfield and ensure that customers have access to high quality water that meets all state standards.